College Planning Partnerships
(860) 664-9857

Colleen Phelan – Testimonial

I came into the doors of College Planning Partnerships late on the first day. Let’s just say my best friend and I weren’t so great at waking up early on a Sunday; but since that day I knew every minute spent preparing for the SAT would be worth it, and it was.

I was personally hoping to raise my math scores from the results I had gotten on the PSAT and I did so with an increase of 60 points. What really amazed me was the improvement I saw on the writing section. I had been somewhat content with the scores I had gotten on the PSAT and many colleges had told me they were still unsure if they would consider the writing section scores for admission. But once I started reviewing the tips that Sam had provided for mastering the writing questions, I knew I could drastically improve my scores. Sam spelled out every type of question that the SAT favored on this portion of the test and after reviewing those tips every week I felt more confident about that portion of the test than any other.

When I took an in-class version of the writing section I scored an 800 and was blown away. The confidence I took away that day and the reassurance I felt that I really could get a perfect score on this section is worth more than I can say. Because of that confidence I felt unstoppable when I took the SAT and Sam’s tips applied to every question on the writing section. I scored an 800 on the writing section of the actual SAT and I am sure that anyone looking to improve on this portion of the test will be able to accomplish their goal with Sam’s help.

I can’t think of any program that could’ve suited me better or been more worthwhile. Whenever I hear someone worried about the SAT, I tell them to go to Sam because he can truly work wonders.

Thank you for all of your help!


Colleen Phelan
Killingworth, Connecticut
April 2008