College Planning Partnerships
(860) 664-9857

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All Things Education (Middle, Secondary, and College)
Harvard Crimson’s 15 Hottest Freshmen
Tuesday November 10, 2020

The Harvard Crimson reached back into its archives and published a story “in honor” of then VP Joe Biden’s visit to the campus’s Institute of Politics. “In honor of his presence […]

Many of the students we’re seeing for test prep are feeling unusually stressed due to the non-stop uncertainty that surrounds them, which hinders preparing for the SAT, the ACT, and […]

To get the answer, compare what your college has in place to what the State University of New York (SUNY) is requiring of its student body: students must test negative […]

Most students save writing the college essay for last, and putting it off, as we all know, just adds to the stress of the college application process. So here are […]

SAT or ACT? How Do You Know Which to Take?
Tuesday September 15, 2020

If you’re not sure whether you’re stronger at the SAT or the ACT, there are a few ways to find out. If you’ve taken one of the two tests, then […]

4 Week ACT Prep Plan: Math
Sunday March 1, 2020

With four weeks to go until the April ACT,  this month we’re providing a four-week ACT program that students can do on their own to improve their English, Reading, Math, and Science […]

4 Week ACT Prep Plan: English
Sunday March 1, 2020

With four weeks to go until the April ACT,  this month we’re providing a four-week ACT program that students can do on their own to improve their English, Reading, Math, and Science […]

4 Week ACT Prep Plan: Reading
Sunday March 1, 2020

With four weeks to go until the April ACT,  this month we’re providing a four-week ACT program that students can do on their own to improve their English, Reading, Math, and Science […]

4 Week ACT Prep Plan: Science
Sunday March 1, 2020

With four weeks to go until the April ACT,  this month we’re providing a four-week ACT program that students can do on their own to improve their English, Reading, Math, and Science […]

This is for all of the students who cannot remember the last time they read a challenging book for kicks and would rather wash dinner dishes for three weeks than […]